A Collaboration Success Story: Partnership Between Hydro One and Four Ontario Colleges
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Kevin Weaver, M.Sc., Dean, Technology and Visual Arts, Georgian College
Mark Hoddenbagh, Ph.D., Executive Director, Partnerships & Applied Research, Algonquin College
For the past seven plus years, the Hydro One College Consortium has been a successful partnership among Hydro One, Algonquin College, Georgian College, Mohawk College, and Northern College. The four partner colleges contribute expertise in electrical programming with a focus on utilities, community outreach and applied research. Hydro One contributes funding along with sharing the expertise of their employees who helped guide the process, identify needs, articulate curriculum gaps, establish diversity outcomes and develop a strong applied research program. The initial focus of the partnership was designed to assist Hydro One with a looming skills shortage and an aging workforce. A strategy was developed and implemented to train the existing workforce and attract and educate future employees, through curriculum development, enhanced program promotion, capital equipment, and co-operative education programs. After four years, it was agreed that, in light of the success of the partnership, it was critical to continue and add elements integrating applied research
activities and training targeted for diverse groups such as women and aboriginals. The current areas of focus are diversity, curriculum and applied research. The Consortium operates through a Steering committee, three working groups and much collaboration to achieve mutually beneficial results.
In this session, we will share the story of the Consortium, talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned. Keys to a successful collaboration will be shared with participant engagement.
Connect. Collaborate. Transform.
June 22/23, Kingbridge Conference Centre, King City
It happens here. Exceptional learning uniquely designed for you, the college leader and administrator. Shared practices. Community of learning. Rejuvenating the passion of college leadership.
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