Michelle Tait Eburne

Business Relationship Manager, ITS.

Algonquin College

Areas of Interest/Expertise

More than 30 years including 11 years in Support Staff roles in Admissions and the Registrar’s Office, with the balance as an Administrator in the services area including serving as Executive Assistant to the VP Student Services; Manager, Administrative Operations and Events in the Registrar’s Office; Senior Manager, Student Engagement and Initiatives in Student Support Services; Manager, Business Relationship Management in Information Technology Services. Previous to her current role, she was the Associate Chair, School of Business and Hospitality at Algonquin’s Ottawa Campus.

Michelle is an Alumni of Algonquin College (Office Administration – Executive, 1990; Ontario Management Development Program Leadership Skills, 2000); holds an Associate Degree in Project Management from George Washington University (2010) and completed her Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Prince Edward Island in 2021.


Personal Interests/extra-curricular activities:  Event design, planning and facilitation, home renovation and decorating, baking, reading, spending time with family, and a passionate Autism advocate.