…into a new national program!

CHERD, until now our administrative partner, is now becoming a full collaborative partner. Recognizing the need for a college-focused program across all geographic sectors, CHERD invited OCASA to join forces in creating a pan-Canadian program focused on college administration and leadership.

Joining key courses from the CHERD CUCA program, and OCASAís Certificate, weíre now launching the new CIS: Certificate in College Leadership & Management, A CHERD OCASA Partnership. For current students, the transition will be seamless. As you complete more courses, in addition to the ones you already have, you will now earn the CIS: Certificate in College Leadership & Management, A CHERD OCASA Partnership.

Be assured the quality of the OCASA courses is being maintained. Weíre committing to the same 3-module template, rich in theory, and application to your college in the Ontario sector. Steve Robinson, an instructor in our program, is working on ensuring all courses will be consistent in curriculum. And a national advisory committee is being formed to guide the process of curriculum and instructor roster development. Again, key Ontario representation will be there.

The advantage to OCASA members? Cross-sector learning and networking will create a richer experience. And while the program will now be open across the country, OCASA members will have certificate registration fees waived. And for the sector, opening the pool of participants will ensure a sustainable program while continuing the established credibility.

Next course: The Role of the Student and Student Needs (College)
Mark the Date: November 1-24, 2014 (tentative)
Reduced fees: $495

For more information, visit the Certificate/Online learning page.